Personal and Group Ceremonies

Individuals: 1 hour – from £85 +, 90 minutes £130.
Group prices by application
Invoking the Presence of the Goddess
An invocation and blessing of the Goddess in Her many aspects revealed through the cycles of the seasons of Her nature on the Avalonian Wheel of the Year. Ceremony and talk about the Avalonian Goddess Wheel, with a guided meditation to meet The Goddess. This is a good ceremonial introduction to our Avalon Goddesses see who calls to you the most ?
Ceremonial Elemental Blessing
A Ceremonial blessing of the five Elemental Goddesses, with Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. Can include Invocation of the 9 Goddesses in our Wheel, by a Priestess of Avalon, Bridie, Rhiannon or Keridwen. Great for new projects or Birthday celebrations.
Empowerment Ceremony
A beautiful deep powerful ceremony, releasing old blocks, patterns, habits, and bringing in the loving power of Goddess to support you in your new visions, plans and wellbeing. This ceremony is great if you wish to let go of traumatic situations people / events, or empower new moves, jobs, projects and births
Womb Blessing Ceremony
Clearing your womb or womb space energetically after miscarriage, abortion, surgery or trauma, and to bless and bring in the healing love of the Goddess. Also good to create a fertile ground for calling in a new soul for birth .
Cerridwen Womb Blessing Ceremony
This is a beautiful ceremony held by the Priestesses of Cerridwen to honour and bless pregnant mothers.
Tie Cutting Ceremony
To energetically cut ties to a situation or person. This can help with relationship difficulties or divorces and frees up your energy, bringing in the love of Goddess.
Celtic Sacred Bundle Ceremony – Gratitude / Celebration / Release
This creative ceremony using herbs and natural objects is created to assist clients to heal and move on from old issues, celebrate new life stages, and to sow the seeds for new endeavours.