

Ambika is a certified instructor of the Universal Tao System, a Tao Wellness Educator and a Chi Nei Tsang Practitioner.

Ambika’s passion is to teach potent Taoist energy practices for longevity, addressing stress, facilitating the release of mental and emotional blockages, and promoting healing.

She teaches various forms of Chi Kung including Chi Kung for Women’s Health and Sexual Vitality and Healing Love for Women and Couples. Her customised approach focuses on releasing and transforming stagnant energy, clearing energy blockages in the body, detoxifying the organs, balancing emotions, and connecting with the body’s wisdom, blending ancient practices with neuroscience.

Ambika has had extensive training and certifications in Meditation, Shamanism, Aikido, Reiki, Tantric and Emotional Detox Bodywork, and as a Rhiannon priestess. She offers bespoke journeys tailored to those who seek to elevate their lives to extraordinary heights.

Through Ambika’s exclusive private sessions, you’ll discover the timeless principles of Taoism, where stress dissipates, barriers crumble, and vitality thrives.

Whether you’re a woman, a man, a couple, or an employer, Ambika’s expertise is here to guide you towards a life of fulfilment and empowerment and the full potential of your mind, body, and spirit.

Check out Ambika’s website for more information about her 121 online customised sessions and 121 programmes.

If you’re unsure about working with Ambika, feel free to reach out via email or phone (see foot of page for number) for a personalized discussion about the best options for you.

Ambika’s Offerings

Massage of Internal Organs

Chi Nei Tsang is a 5,000-year-old massage therapy that focuses on revitalizing your internal organs by clearing away negative emotions and obstructions. It’s a holistic approach that addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of well-being.

The practice involves transforming the vital energy ‘Chi’ within your internal organs. This process helps recycle and release negative energies, such as toxins, harmful emotions, and imbalances that can disrupt organ function.

CNT can detoxify and stimulate the lymphatic and circulatory systems, strengthening the immune system and disease resistance.


    • Location: Goddess House
    • Duration: 60 minutes
    • Price: £95

Avalon Retreat – 121 non-residential
The Goddess of the Tao Experience


Embark on a unique journey where you’ll connect with the transformative energy of the land and the sacred sites of Avalon, alongside Taoist profound meditations, breathwork, and qigong.

Experience tailored sessions designed for personal growth and self-empowerment, exclusively curated for those seeking powerful results.

Schedule your personalised retreat with Ambika now and immerse yourself in a weekend experience like no other.

Reach out for further information!


    • Location: Goddess House
    • Duration: From 10:00am to 1:00pm and 2:00pm to 5:00pm
    • Price: £300
    • Access to kitchen facilities for lunch breaks, teas and treats.

Avalon Retreat – Group Retreat

Feminine Sexual Alchemy
13/14 July 2024


Discover the transformative teachings of Taoism on sexuality at our retreat. Explore the rejuvenating power of Healing Love, a refined energy practice, for women seeking spiritual growth and vitality.

Through exercises like Ovarian Breathing, Breast Massage, Jade Egg Practice, Orgasmic Upward Draw and more, women nurture their reproductive health and sexual vitality. These practices connect sexual energy to overall well-being, including physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life.

Learn to harness sexual energy to improve health, self-empowerment and personal growth.

Experience newfound pleasure and vitality while strengthening your body’s core systems.

Join us on the Path of Liberation, where positive changes await in just weeks.
Please note that places are limited. To secure your spot, apply or contact us for further information.


    • Location: Goddess House
    • Duration: From 10:00am to 1:00pm and 2:00pm to 5:00pm
    • Price: £270
    • Access to kitchen facilities for lunch breaks, teas and treats.