Our Therapists


Ambika is a certified instructor of the Universal Tao System, a Tao Wellness Educator and a Chi Nei Tsang Practitioner. Her passion is to teach potent Taoist energy practices for longevity, addressing stress, facilitating the release of mental and emotional blockages, and promoting healing.

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Ann Pelsmaekers

Ann Pelsmaekers
Ann has a long-standing fascination with Chinese medicine and its strong connection to nature and the symbiosis of body-mind-spirit. She is professionally qualified in Tui Na massage, Acupuncture and Tibetan Foot Soaks. Whether you have acute pain, chronic illness or want to maintain wellness, she is dedicated to assist you in coming back to yourself, with heaven and earth restored.

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Anna-Saqqara Price

Anna-Saqqara Price
Anna-Saqqara Price is Priestess of Avalon, a Oracle Priestess, Luminary leader, Priestess of Isis, Rhiannon & Wild Soul Shamanka working with Horses. She’s an experienced Ceremonial Priestess regularly leading ceremonies for the public at The Goddess Temple’s Seasonal ceremonies, weekly Temple Treasures and leads the seasonal Goddess House Healing retreat weekends. She works for The Goddess Temple as the Goddess Temple Melissa Mother and Goddess House Healing Mother/ Weaver, where she loves to offer Goddess soul healing & ceremonies for private clients, groups & retreats.

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Annie Sapsead


Become the Change/Awake your true Potential and Love Your Body

Annie is a Clinical Aromatherapist, Reflexologist and an independent Reiki master. She trained with International Federation of Aromatherapists(IFPA).

She is offering 25 years’ experience in Holistic treatments, clinical Aromatherapy and Reflexology. Working with the five elements such as wood, fire/earth/water, and metal. It is one of the main pillars of oriental medicine that helps to maintain our body systems.

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Cat Lupton


Cat Lupton is a Priestess of Goddess with Glastonbury Goddess Temple, a certified Shamanic Healer, trained in Glastonbury by Jay and Kestrel Oakwood, a qualified Life Coach and a Reiki Master.

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Chrystėle Lafaye


Chrystèle is a Sacred Birthkeeper and part of the Sacred Birthkeeping project in Glastonbury, offering Mother/Father blessing ceremonies, postpartum massage and ceremonies for Mothers – Fertility Ceremony to call in the soul of a child and the beautiful ceremony of Body Wrapping.

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Elsa Field

Elsa Field

Elsa is a Priestess of Avalon, Soul Singer, and Sound Healer. She also is one of the directors of the Glastonbury Goddess Temple. Described as ‘ethereal’, ‘devotional’ and ‘transformative’ by listeners, Elsa creates music for sacred spaces, ceremony and ritual that is deeply connected to Goddess and to Avalon.

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Ellise Toop

Ellise creates a sacred, safe space using breath, sound, essential oils, and angelic & crystal energies to help you drop deeply inside, quieten your thoughts, and activate the para-sympathetic nervous system (rest & digest) – helping you to shift into the theta & delta brain wave states where the deepest cellular healing occurs, truly bringing nourishment on all levels.

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Estelle Davenport

Estelle Davenport
Come and have a Goddess intuitive Oracling card reading with Estelle, where you will experience the Goddess talking to you and guiding you on your spiritual path. Come and let your soul speak to you about what it wants for you. Hear about the gifts you have and how your special combination of personality and your karmic journey could bring you happiness and fulfilment in this life time.

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Francesca Giusti

Francesca Guisti
Francesca has been a fully qualified and insured Yoga teacher since 2004. Her offering combines Asana, Pranayama and Meditation to appreciate the joy of the present moment.

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Hannah Graceful Dawn

Hannah Graceful Dawn is the founder of the River Of Eternal Love Myrraphore School. Dedicated to remembering and reawakening of the deeply holy path of the myrrhbearers, the mistresses of the holy oils. They who were able to bring beauty, Grace, love and compassion through communion with and acceptance of Divine Love within themselves.

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Iona Jones

Iona is a Priestess of Avalon and Priestess of Arianrhod, Goddess of the Stars. Here she is blessed to be a Soul Healer, Reader, Aromatherapist, Massage Therapist, Reflexologist. Iona has been a Healer and Holistic therapist for over 10 years and it is one of her greatest passions. She enjoys creating sacred space and working intuitively and energetically with people. She also loves to inspire and empower others to shine their light in the world. Iona offers Soul Light Readings, Soul Healings, Priestess Deluxe Therapies, Intuitive Massage, Aromatherapy Massage, Swedish Massage, Reflexology and Aromatherapy Facials.

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Jade Dalton

Jade Dalton is a Psychic Priestess, Goddess Luminary Leader, Oracle, and seer to the Divine, an IPHM Accredited Sacred Celebrant, giving rites of passage ceremonies for life’s greatest moments, and a certified Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equality Tutor.

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Jerome Zoran

Jerome Zoran
Jerome is a Priest of Isis and a deep soul medium. He is also a certificated Thai Masseur, Crystal Sound Healer, performing musician and music producer. Jerome is offering Emotional Release Bodywork Sessions and Thai Massage.

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Joshua Swords

Joshua Swords is an intuitive healer and certified deep tissue massage therapist. Working with the fascia of the body, the nervous system and breath he creates a safe energetic space for natural healing and deep rejuvenation to occur.

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Kyah May


Kyah May is Priestess of Arianrhod Goddess of the Stellar Mysteries, She is passionate about healing and Awakening the Goddess Archetypes within. Using your unique star chart she maps the wisdom and insights of Goddess and how she is manifesting through you in this lifetime.

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Katie Player

Katie Player is a Priestess of Avalon and Temple Weaver at Glastonbury Goddess Temple. With a background in the Creative Arts, Katie offers workshops, talks and ceremony. A Tarot Reader for 30 years, she works with the Motherpeace Tarot for individual, couple and group Readings. She is a Soul Healer and offers one to one sessions of Soul Healing and Reiki energy healing.

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Lila Lianna Rose


Lila is a Sacred Medicine Singer, Divine Feminine Healer and Ceremonial space holder. She regularly holds transformative Cacao Ceremonies, Women’s Circles and Feminine Essence Yoga sessions, supporting the healing and reactivation of the Divine Feminine power. She also facilitates healing Ceremonial spaces for both men and women, often aligning with the seasonal Celtic calendar.

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Louise Burton

Louise offers Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowls, Therapeutic Massage, Indian Head Massage, Deep Tissue, Reiki Healing and Yoga classes.
Louise has more than 20 years’ experience as therapist and yoga practitioner, and more than 15 years as yoga teacher. She is inspired by her chosen healing paths and loves how they flow alongside each other, intersect and unite. She enjoys creatively combining and personalising her therapies where appropriate to make a real difference to clients’ wellness and well being.

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Mandie Thorne

Mandie Thorne
Mandie is a a qualified Therapist and Priestess Healer. She offers a gentle Swedish Body Massage, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Thai Foot Massage, Hopi Ear Candling with a Sinus, Face, Scalp and Neck Massage. Deep Soul and Emotional Healing, Goddess and Crystal healing. She is also a Reiki Master.

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Rachel Harris

Rachel offers deep Multi-Dimensional Soul Healings and Bright Shiny Soul Sessions. Through healing, channelling, transmissions and coaching she supports you in identifying and transforming limiting beliefs, wounding and clearing blocks from this and past lives.

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Veronica Nelson Dodds

Astrology and Healing for Body, Heart, Mind and Spirit

​Veronica is a Holistic Astrologer working with the Physical Self (EARTH), the Feeling Self (WATER) the Thinking Self (AIR) and the Spiritual.Self (FIRE).

An astrology reading can give us self-understanding and self awareness which enables us to have more power over our lives in a way that most people do not believe is possible.

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Vicky Ivanovic


Vicky offers a unique combination of Past Life Regression and Reiki. She is a Priestess of Goddess, Healer, Reiki Master and a Past Life Regression Practitioner. A naturally gifted and intuitive Healer, Vicky began her journey with Spiritual Healing in her early teens. She has spent her life learning about spirituality and has trained in many different healing modalities, giving her nearly thirty years’ experience.

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