Kyah May


Kyah May is Priestess of Arianrhod, Goddess of the Stellar Mysteries. She is passionate about healing and Awakening the Goddess Archetypes within. Using your unique star chart she maps the wisdom and insights of Goddess and how she is manifesting through you in this lifetime.

Awakening your Inner Light Readings

Offers deep healing and insight into unlocking the innate gifts of your soul.
Looking at your birth chart to identify your core Guardian Goddess / God Archetypes that are walking with you this lifetime.
Exploring your sacred wounding, past life linages, soul purpose, shadow aspects and how to align with the lessons of your soul’s mystery school.

Helping you to heal, find direction on your path, and awaken your Inner Light.
1 hour £88, extended reading £125

Solar Return Readings

This unique reading is done around your birthday, exploring your Guardian Archetypes, their energies, and messages. What areas of your life will be highlighted. How to embody their wisdom to support your soul’s calling for the year ahead.

90 minutes £125

Archetype Embodiment Ceremony

Reconnect to your Guardian Goddess  /God Archetypes of your birth chart.

Through guided ritual and ceremony, to embody their essence in your everyday life. Awakening to your light and healing pathways.

1 hour £88,  90 min £125

The Year Ahead

Each reading is a consultation in which you find a way to understand your inner energetic nature, guiding you in the direction of self-acceptance, which will enable you to achieve well-being, a sense of purpose and self-awareness.

90 minutes £95, 120 minutes £150