Avalon Retreat Weekends 2024

These non-residential Healing Seasonal Retreats are hosted by Goddess House Healing Therapists and Priestesses. They will guide you on deep journeys of healing and renewal to meet The Lady of Avalon in Her seasonal aspects through Ceremonies, Guided Journeys, 1:1 Healing / Massage / Card Reading, Creative Workshops, Walks in Her landscape and visits to Her Sacred Spaces. We close each weekend with a powerful Embodiment Ceremony to Meet The Lady of Avalon in Her Seasonal and receive individual healing messages.

Weekend Group Retreats are priced on a sliding scale from £290 – £200

£290 – 1:1 90 mins session of healing /massage / card reading
£256 – 1:1 60 mins session of healing / massage / card reading
£200 –  no 1:1 healing / massage / card reading

Please contact Goddess House Healing to book your place. These are small, limited size groups for group and personal connection.

We welcome people of all genders, all ages, and all abilities.

Day tickets are sometimes available – please get in touch.


Earth Mother Births – Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 September 2024

Journey to the Sacred Isle of Avalon to meet the Goddess of Avalon and receive Her guidance and blessing for your Earth Mother journey. Explore through creativity your Great Mother and Earth connections. Join us to heal your Mother line and any wounding you may carry around your birth, birthing your children, or birthing your creative projects. We will do a beautiful Sacred Belly Wrapping Ceremony. We will work with real ponies to find what Soul and Body wisdom you can receive when you listen and connect with these Earth Wisdom Keepers. Meet the Lady of Avalon in Her Great Mother aspect in a sacred embodiment ceremony and receive personal messages for your healing and empowerment.


Dark Mother Transforms – Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 November 2024

Join us to journey to the magical Isle of Avalon to meet the Goddess of Avalon in Her Dark Mother Aspect. Look into Her mirror and embrace the fullness of who you are and shed the old skins / habits of what no longer serves in sacred Ceremony with Morgen Le Fey & The Crow Morgens. Explore your Shadow through creative writing, art, dance / movement and embrace your Wild Woman Within. Meet the Lady of Avalon in Her seasonal aspect as embodied by Her Priestess for personal healing and wisdom.