Cat Lupton

Cat Lupton is a Priestess of Goddess with Glastonbury Goddess Temple, a certified Shamanic Healer, trained in Glastonbury by Jay and Kestrel Oakwood, a qualified Life Coach and a Reiki Master.

She offers intuitive tarot, oracle and Goddess oracle card readings, working with a range of decks to respond to the soul-led enquiry of each individual client. Her joy is to inspire, empower and encourage her clients with her lively and informal, deep and expansive reading style.

Cat also offers shamanic sound healing, soul retrieval, regression and cord cutting. She blends the sound sequences and interactive journeying methods she was trained in with the shamanic presence of Goddess and the Lady of Avalon, and with her own intuitive style and healing voice. In addition Cat is able to undertake shamanic journeying on behalf of clients, seeking information in response to their deeper life questions.

Card readings with Cat are available on a pre-booked or walk-in basis.

Shamanic healing and journeying sessions with Cat need to be pre-booked.