Goddess Readings, Talking Therapies

Oracle Card Readings with Oracle Cards or Tarot
For spiritual guidance and insights from Goddess through Her Priestess. A healing way to get clarity around your circumstances and pathways.
30 min £ 40
60 min £ 65
Tarot Soul Healing with Katie, Priestess of Avalon
The session starts with a reading from the Motherpeace tarot deck, helping to bring focus on what needs to be released. Then you’ll receive a Deep Soul Healing to bring you back to clear, radiant energy.
60 min £ 85
90 min £115
Deep Goddess Tarot Healing with Jade
The session begins with an elemental Goddess Healing to relax, empower, and invoke the Goddess to heal and nourish, and is followed by a Tarot and Oracle card reading to help carve your future path, and see what the Goddess has to say to you.
60 min £ 85
90 min £115
Rhiannon’s Blessing of Love Tarot / Oracle Healing with Jade / Katie
The session begins with an invocation of Rhiannon, Goddess of Love, and is followed by a deep healing of the heart, and a Tarot / Oracle card reading for your relationship. Available whether you are calling in sacred love, already in a relationship, or are healing from a separation. This treatment helps to open, and heal the heart, and set you on a deep path of love.
60 min £ 85
90 min £115
Ker’s Blessing of Abundance Tarot / Oracle Healing with Jade / Katie
The session begins with an invocation of Ker, Goddess of the Harvest, and is followed by a deep healing to open yourself up to receive abundance, and a Tarot /Oracle card reading for your future. This treatment is excellent for career, and money advice, to open yourself up to the unlimited well of ethical and healthy resources from Goddess.
60 min £ 85
90 min £115
Astrology Readings
(pre-booking needed)
Awaken your Inner Light, Celtic Goddess Archetype reading with Kyah May
Which Goddess Archetypes are you walking with this lifetime? Are you holding the frequency of the Seer, the Priestess, the Awakener or the Wise one?
Reading your astrological birth chart through the lens of the divine feminine archetypes reconnects you to your own feminine wisdom. Reclaiming your soul lineages of this lifetime and past lifetimes. We explore sacred wounding, soul purpose, shadow aspects. Understanding where there is need for integration. Helping to empower, find direction in your life, awaken your divine magic, and return to your inner path of light.
Offering profound insights to reclaiming your mythical self.
60 min £ 90
90 min £125
Solar Return Readings with Kyah May, Priestess of Arianrhod
This unique reading is done around your birthday, for realigning with yourself and your divine sacred gifts. We explore your Guardian Archetypes, their energies and messages. What areas of your life will be highlighted? How to embody their wisdom to support your soul’s calling for the year ahead.
90 min £125
Archetype Embodiment Ceremony with Kyah May, Priestess of Arianrhod
This is a ceremony held to honour yourself. To empower, To reclaim the gifts of your soul archetypes: The Sage, the Healer, the Priestess, The Seer. She who guides you on your journey of life, we call our power back through time.
Through guided ritual and ceremony, to embody your divine frequencies in your everyday life. realigning to your path of light.
This includes reading and ritual
90 min £150
The Year Ahead, with Kyah May
Each reading is a consultation in which you find a way to understand your inner energetic nature, guiding you in the direction of self-acceptance, which will enable you to achieve well-being, a sense of purpose and self-awareness.
90 min £ 95
120 min £150
Past Life Soul Readings, with Iona Jones, Priestess of Arianrhod
Do you feel a connection to other lifetimes of being a Witch, a Priestess, a Shamanka, a Healer or an Oracle? Do you find there are blocks that hold you back from living your soul’s purpose? Maybe in this life there are issues around your voice and speaking your truth… maybe there are health challenges that you are journeying with… or maybe it’s hard to truly love yourself and let yourself shine…
Iona offers Past Life Soul Readings to people that are interested in diving deep into their astrological birth chart, looking at past lives and karmic woundings that may be holding them back. Also looking at your soul gifts and connecting to positive past lives where you were fully embodied and shining your light. This reading looks at the birth chart and involves energy and journey work.
Online or In-Person.
90 min £125
Soul Light Readings with Iona
What is your soul’s purpose in this lifetime… what gifts to you have to offer to the New Earth that is emerging… Are you a Leader, a Visionary, a Creatrix, a Teacher, a Writer, a Healer, a Priestess, a Sacred Performer, a Guardian of Mother Earth…
This is a reading to help you embody the gifts of your soul. We will explore your astrological birth chart, looking at your soul gifts, blocks past lives and possible destiny in this lifetime. We will do a healing, clearing energetic blocks that are holding you back, allowing you step into your power and shine your light in the world.
Online or In-Person.
90 min £125
Embodied Astrology with Chrystèle Lafaye
This chart reading is designed to help you fine tune your own medicine for wholeness and wellness.
Working with Hygeia, the Goddess of Health, we will look at ways to balance the elements, aspects and transits in your chart so you can live more according to your own blueprint.
This session can be complemented with an energy healing informed by the reading for 30 or 60 min, calling on the vibrations of the planets and elemental allies.
Chart reading 60 min £ 90
Chart reading + healing 90 min £125
Chart reading + healing 120 min £150
Goddess-Centered Talking Therapies
Goddess Counselling – Sacred Listening
£50 per session
Psychotherapy (blocks of ongoing sessions)
£40 per session
Psychosexual Therapy (blocks of ongoing sessions)
£40 per session