Hannah Graceful Dawn
Hannah Graceful Dawn is the founder of the River Of Eternal Love Myrraphore School. Dedicated to remembering and reawakening of the deeply holy path of the myrrhbearers, the mistresses of the holy oils. They who were able to bring beauty, Grace, love and compassion through communion with and acceptance of Divine Love within themselves. With the assistance of the deeply sacred oils they would support transformation through the thresholds Of life and death, healing and anointing. The Holy oils are part of a 4,000 year old lineage of Sacred oils.
Hannah has also co-founded the school of Sunheart Shamanism. This is a school dedicated to the Age of devotion and conscious living and dying through understanding the shamanic perception of the universe, and tending to the heart and soul to prepare for, and integrate, the kingdom of heaven within. Honouring the wisdom of Andean masters, she weaves this into her school to create an exquisite path for brothers and sisters to become aware of the dance of living energy that makes up the sacredness of life. She shares teachings and healing modalities offered by ancient indigenous traditions. She is also currently making a temple high in the mountains of Portugal with her twin sister.
1-1 Sessions
Tending your Beloved Heart
Tending your beloved heart, the shamanic heart illumination technique places you in the sacred container of the divine ecosystem of Gaia through the medicine wheel and the temple of Devotion. This allows safe surrender into the awareness of your beautiful heart as the temple of your soul. We can then clean your heart temple of denser energies that no longer serve you, allowing you to make space to receive more radiance and beauty into your life. Working with the inner beloved of this temple, through devotional mantra and sacred oils, we will tend to and honour your wounds and help restore your connection to the beauty all around you and within you, in this dance of living energy and love.
90mins £133
For women…
We can take this beautiful offering a bit deeper and assist with the restoration of the natural flow of your River of Grace, your heart / womb River. We allow and tend to the release of energies of shame and self-loathing, judgement and separation. Then your beautiful sacred River can bring more awareness of your creative life force and radical self-love into your life and your path, with Goddess and the Beloved. We anoint with oils for the heart, womb, solar plexus and feet.
2 hour £155
For men…
A beautiful sacred offering working with this heart illumination technique to release denser energies so you can begin to feel the Radiance and Devotion of your Sunheart – the capacity of your heart to hold so much love and to be closer in your relationship to Goddess and the inner beloved. We anoint heart and feet.
90 mins £122
Soul Mending
This is Hannah’s beautiful work of Soul retrieval. This can come after tending your beloved heart (recommended) or can stand alone as an offering.
Working with your hiridya, the sacred temple of your heart where the seat of your soul resides, Hannah will offer a safe space to journey with the medicine drum to bring back any parts of your soul that have become fragmented back into your heart temple. Bringing the parts of your soul that have experienced soul loss through trauma or shock back home into your loving heart. Assisting the unconscious to become conscious again and gifting you with a beautiful soul medicine story on your
return. A beautiful offering for this time of awakening to the depth of who we really are.
90 mins £133
Deeply Holy Anointing
A beautiful, deep anointing session with the transmission of the holy oils of the temple through the Myrraphore lineage, the path of love and compassion within the radiant loving holding of Avalon. A deep clearing in your light body and a consecration of your inner world as Holy. A foot and heart massage is offered during this session also.
60 minutes £75