Joshua Swords


Joshua Swords is an intuitive healer and certified deep tissue massage therapist. Working with the fascia of the body, the nervous system and breath he creates a safe energetic space for natural healing and deep rejuvenation to occur.

He attained his BSc in Sport rehabilitation gaining a deep understanding of how the body heals, anatomy and different methods of treatment. Covering chronic pain and acute injuries right through to psychology, diet and emotional health.

Joshua has since gone on to study somatic experiencing and trauma in depth, gaining an understanding how energy and the nervous system play key roles in healing and returning to wholeness within. As well as his Shamanic journey that has opened him up to healing on a spiritual and quantum level.

He has also studied with Alchemy Of Breath, learning a broad spectrum of breathwork techniques, from clearing energy to reconnecting the client to their divine authentic self.

His offerings include:

• Deep tissue massage
• Myofascial release
• Neural Flossing
• Conscious connected breath work
• Somatic experiencing
• Emotional trauma release
• A safe energetic space

Joshua can combine the above techniques to create an environment to support your deepest healing.