Kyah May


Kyah May is Priestess of Arianrhod, Goddess of the Stellar Mysteries. She is passionate about healing and Awakening the Goddess Archetypes within. Using your unique star chart she maps the wisdom and insights of Goddess and how she is manifesting through you in this lifetime.

Awaken your Light, Celtic Goddess Archetype reading

Which Goddess Archetypes are you walking with this lifetime? Are you holding the frequency of the Seer, the Priestess, the Awakener or the Wise one?

Reading your astrological birth chart through the lens of the divine feminine archetypes reconnected you to your own feminine wisdom. Reclaiming your soul lineages of this lifetime and past lifetimes. We explore sacred wounding, soul purpose, shadow aspects. Understanding where there is need for integration. Helping to empower, find direction in your life, awaken your divine magic, and return to your inner path of light.

Offering profound insights to reclaiming your mythical self.

1 hour £90, extended reading £125

Solar Return Readings

This unique reading is done around your birthday, for realigning with yourself and your divine sacred gifts. We explore your Guardian Archetypes, their energies and messages. What areas of your life will be highlighted? How to embody their wisdom to support your soul’s calling for the year ahead.

90 minutes £125

Archetype Embodiment Ceremony

This is a ceremony held to honour yourself. To empower, To reclaim the gifts of your soul archetypes: The Sage, the Healer, the Priestess, The Seer. She who guides you on your journey of life, we call our power back through time. Through guided ritual and ceremony, to embody your divine frequencies in your everyday life, realigning to your path of light.

This includes reading and ritual

 90 min £150

The Year Ahead

Each reading is a consultation in which you find a way to understand your inner energetic nature, guiding you in the direction of self-acceptance, which will enable you to achieve well-being, a sense of purpose and self-awareness.

90 minutes £95, 120 minutes £150