Louise Burton

Louise has more than 20 years’ experience as therapist and yoga practitioner, and more than 15 years as yoga teacher. She is inspired by her chosen healing paths and loves how they flow alongside each other, intersect and unite. She enjoys creatively combining and personalising her therapies where appropriate to make a real difference to clients’ wellness and well being.
Sound Healing with Tibetan Bowls works deep into the cells to release mental and physical stress and treat a range of conditions. Clients can enjoy deeply relaxed, sometimes meditative states, and a re-harmonisation of mind and body as brainwaves are smoothed and ‘retrained’. With bowls placed directly on or around the body, the sound energy penetrates the physical self to root out pain, anxiety and old patterns of being. The cells start to vibrate at their natural, rejuvenated frequency and the energy channels and auric field are cleansed and strengthened.
Combined with brain wave relaxation, a sound healing treatment can include: mind detox (to eliminate negative thought and conditioning), chakra and aura cleansing and strengthening, hand and foot reflex zones (to treat organs linked to the reflexology points) and treatment of specific physical ailments, such as hip, knee and shoulder pain, neck tension, migraine and digestive disorders.
This ancient healing process is safe for all to enjoy as sound energy resonates with the cells of the body, travelling naturally through the 70% water of which we are made.
Louise practises Therapeutic Massage, which is a holistic method combining the best of recognised and respected techniques for healing and aligning the body and calming the mind. In a treatment the client can enjoy deep relaxation and emotional balancing, and gain relief for a range of physical conditions including stress, headache, back and shoulder pain, sciatica, sports injuries and aching muscles.
Using deep tissue or gentle pressure according to need, the muscles and joints are massaged and manipulated and the circulatory and lymphatic systems stimulated allowing toxins and tension to be eliminated. The body is toned and refreshed and the recuperative effects will continue to work on the mind and body for some time after the treatment.
Indian Head Massage works to relieve mental stress and anxiety, ease tension in the neck and shoulders and promote emotional balancing.
Acting on a physical, mental and subtle level, this profoundly relaxing therapy also stimulates three of the major energy centres of the body: the brow, crown and throat, and clients can experience an opening of these three chakras.
Yoga Classes: Louise offers small classes tailored to the needs of the group. She creates a personalised, non-pressured and inspiring environment in which to start learning yoga, and a focused space for building confidence and progressing in the asanas. You can practice postures to help with specific needs or conditions and work on the different groups, including standing and seated, forward and back extensions, twists, inversions and resting, restorative poses.
Testimonials from yoga students:
I really like the way Louise caters for individuals so I always feel safe and cared for and there is no sense of competition (except with myself). I like the way we are encouraged to do a little bit further each time, but with no sense of failure if one can’t. I appreciate the way Louise checks everyone’s personal state of health. I particularly enjoy links between postures, being able to build up to a posture step by step, making the end pose easier to achieve. I hoped to be more flexible and feel I am; I hoped to strengthen my back, and I have; I hoped to strengthen my pelvic floor and I have. I like what each pose is doing for different parts of the body. A. P.
More flexible. Excellent course. Best yoga tutor ever. She walks her talk. Excellent example. G. N.
I enjoyed all aspects and learning to get into each pose even deeper through breathing and understanding how my body works and challenging myself to go beyond my comfort zone in a comfortable manner. I am more supple, relaxed, breathing deeper – generally feeling overall calmer and content in my understanding of my body’s ability (despite ageing knees!), feeling my own advancement and capabilities growing throughout, and flowing postures using the breath. I have achieved improved flexibility, strength, as well as serenity and all health benefits. S. W.
I enjoyed the whole course. Louise is an excellent teacher. I feel I have achieved what I hoped to. G. R.
I enjoy the progressive aspect of the class, how we prepare for different postures, and I enjoy the sun salutations. Having a slightly different ‘theme’ each week seems to work different areas and produce a different effect on mind and body. I am maintaining and increasing flexibility and my shoulders are still improving. After a session the mind and body both feel refreshed. S. A.
More flexibility has been achieved and better balance. Teacher excellent. Good variety of poses. M. S.
I have enjoyed this class better than any other I have been to. Louise is a very dynamic and inspirational teacher. I surprised myself with achieving greater flexibility. I have a sense of achievement when my body does things I didn’t think it was capable of. M. B.
I enjoy the more challenging postures – good for calming the mind. B. G.
I enjoyed everything. I have had some pain in my lower back and some of the stretching poses helped enormously. M. H.
I am developing flexibility and becoming more focused and relaxing. Some improvement in my lower circulation. Just what I wanted. Great! L. S.