22nd & 23rd September or 24th & 25th November 2018
Indian Head massage has been used as a treatment to promote well being, relaxation and de-stress for over a thousand years in India. Indian Head massage is a detoxifying treatment to the upper back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face, increasing energy levels. Nandini will make you feel comfortable and relaxed in this learning environment and you will be encouraged to communicate freely and openly in the class.
Chakra Balancing Therapeutics:
6th & 7th October 2018
The Chakra Balancing Therapeutics Diploma Course explores the concepts of chakras and auras, giving full and clear explanations of how blockages in our chakras (energy centres) can lead to mental, physical, and spiritual discord. You’ll discover how to recognise the symptoms of these and how to heal yourself and others of specific conditions, through energy healing. Having learnt about the chakras system, how each can become disordered and how to go about bringing back balance, the course finishes with guidance on how to conduct a healing session. This includes instruction on how to prepare yourself, how to conduct the sessions, post-healing advice for the client, and some information on your ethical responsibilities.
Healing Touch (Hands, Arms, Leg and Feet Massage and Hand Reflexology):
10th & 11th November
This course will prepare you to give an arm, hand, leg and foot massage. Plus, you will learn techniques to improve client’s well being via hand reflexology and how human touch is a powerful healing tool to help with stress and anxiety management. You will be able to perform this massage in a massage couch or in a chair, depending on your client’s needs. It is a good introduction to a full body massage course, helping you get comfortable with longer massage routines or as an add-on for massage therapists, looking to work with the elderly and with people with less mobility.
As part of all trainings, you will be practising and receiving a treatment yourself. Nandini believes it is as important for you to learn the different massage techniques as to experience them. Only experiencing, you will know what your future clients will feel during their treatments and time with you.