Therapist Special Goddess Soul Healings

Nolava Room altar

Goddess Soul Wisdom, with Anna-Saqqara, Priestess of Avalon

A deep, bespoke, embodied guided journey to meet the Goddess of your choice and Crow Morgen Goddesses, using light, language and sound, to help release old programmes and patterns that may be blocking your ability to manifest abundance/love/your soul’s purpose and to empower your deep soul connection with Goddess. You’ll receive personal
healing and messages from your guides /guardians and Goddesses as embodied by
priestess Anna-Saqqara.T his can be in person or via Zoom.

60 min £ 93
90 min £133

Soul Essence Healing Journey with Anna-Saqqara, Priestess of Avalon and Soul Support Systems Facilitator

A deep initiatory soul healing, great for times of intense change, trauma or just deepening your soul connection. These individually focused treatments combine cord cutting or chakra alignment, clearing the body of old, stuck, dense energy and journeying to the soul creatrix Mother Goddess to reconnect with the source of your soul’s blueprint and ground it back into your body. This is a very deep initiatory journey enabling you to live more fully, shining and embodying your soul’s original essence and purpose.

75 min £ 88

Bright Shiny Soul Healing Sessions with Priestess Rachel

This is a beautiful bespoke session whereby you get to awaken to the brightness, beauty
and power of your soul, spirit and the divine within you. Through coaching and guided meditation, you reconnect deeply to your soul, spirit, source and your own team of holy beings such as Goddess, archangels, spirit guides, healing guides, animal guides,
angels, ascended masters, ancestors and departed loved ones. You experience healing and guidance from them directly for your mind, body, heart and soul.

75 min £ 88

Multidimensional Soul Healing and Guidance with Rachel, Priestess of Avalon

Multidimensional Healing is whereby you receive deep healing and integration for mind, body, heart and soul through profound soul connection and wisdom across time and space.

You receive healing, messages, and guidance about any area of this life or relevant past lives from the divine, Goddess, archangels, your soul and your own team of guides, angels and departed loved ones.

60 min £ 88
90 min £132

Isis Lotus Healing with Anna-Saqqara, Soul Priestess of Isis

Hands on energy soul healing, connecting soul to soul. I welcome in my soul Goddess Isis to assist your soul in releasing old, dead, dense energy and allowing the Egyptian Goddesses Isis, Sekhmet and Hathor to bring through their loving presence to support and nurture your soul, body and mind, through light language and energy work.

60 min £ 75

Crystal Healing

Crystals are carefully chosen depending on your needs and are placed on the key energy centres of the body, aiding the body’s natural vibration healing abilities to clear and shift stagnant energy and amplify good health. A great treatment for balancing the chakras and clearing the etheric field and outer body for renewed energy, health and vitality.
(Crystal combos also available: a combination of crystal healing and holistic massage to help re-balance and ease away aches and pains.)

30 min £ 45
60 min £ 65

Maiden, Mother, Crone Healing with Annie, Priestess of Avalon

120 min £138

Deep Wisdom Healing with Annie, Priestess of Avalon

2 hours £100

Cerridwen Swynwraig (Wise Woman) Healing with Priestess of Cerridwen, Bee

Celtic druidic healing with Earth Mother guidance, gaiamancy for the body, using soul connection to feel obstacles and obstructions to energy flow (nwyfre), removing them and strengthening the seven energy bodies. Hands on healing, recovering soul purpose and guiding back to the path.

90 min £ 93

Avalon Soul HealingTM with Priestess of Avalon & Cerridwen, Bee

This soul healing is based on Dion Fortune’s work, using visualisation, path working, consciousness mediation and energy flow weaving, to reach the shadow part in you from which unhelpful thoughts and feelings rise, and contra-indicated life choices are made.

Removal of external and internal negative thought forms and shadow entities. Mitigation of negativity, filling energy voids with the love of the Goddess. Connection to your Ancestors, Guardians, Spirit Guides to aid your path onwards.

60 min £ 70
90 min £ 90

Emotional Release Shungite Sessions with Jerome, Priest of Isa Isa

Shungite is a carbon-based crystal coming strongly into the service and protection of humanity and the earth at this time. It works with the physical, emotional and spiritual healing qualities of shungite to go deep into the emotional body and subconscious mind. Using, voice sound and crystals, this deep emotional release session will help you to recognise and dissolve old, painful, negative belief patterns, emotional blockages, past trauma and pain.

90 min £105
120 min £155

Personal Yoga Tuition with Louise

Focus on the precise postures and practice to suit your individual needs and goals. 1.1 
Or bring a friend. Free tasters and block discounts available.

30 min £ 40
60 min £ 60

Sound Bath

Deeply relaxing sound bath with singing bowls, chimes, ting haws and gong, quieting your body and chakras.

60 min £ 85

Sound Healing with Elsa, Priestess of Avalon

A deep relaxing sound and voice bath with crystal bowls 

60 min £ 90

Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowls, with Louise

With bowls placed on and around the body, the sound penetrates deep into the cells to heal mental and emotional stress and help a range of physical conditions. Also treatments for chakra and aura balancing, cleansing and strengthening.

45 min £ 50
60 min £ 70

Goddess Sound Healing Ceremony/Sound Bath with Priestess of Avalon, Elsa

This brings you in deep connection with the Goddess, creatrix of the universe and of all life. In this ceremony you will receive the blessings of the Goddess through the messages that your soul is asking to receive from Her at this time. The Goddess and other divine beings will be invoked using sacred sound instruments such as pure quartz crystal singing bowls, koshi chimes, gong, spirit drum, and her singing voice. The Priestess will use sacred sound to bring through the voice of the Goddess, and Her embodiment as the Lady of Avalon, Great Goddess of the Sacred Isle of Avalon. (Group sessions are possible.)

60 min £100

Vocal Empowerment Sessions with Elsa, Priestess of Avalon

Vocal empowerment work can help you to release old ties, blockages and patterns. In a session you will discover an embodied path of healing your voice. Using a combination of powerful visualisation practices, breathwork and voicework, you will learn to uncover, and gently release, any emotional blockages you have in using your voice.

60 min £  90

Deep Soul Healing

Connect to the calm centre of your soul and to the healing energies of Goddess, opening the heart, healing the body, emotions and mind, expanding consciousness.

60 min £ 60

Soul Healing

Shamanic inspired soul healing using drums, rattles and the voice. Connecting soul and body, emotions and mind to the healing love of Goddess.

60 min £ 55

Reiki Healing

An ancient natural form of hands on healing enhances all aspects of life, unblocking energy, allowing it to flow freely and rebalance the body in a positive way.

30 min £ 35
60 min £ 55

Chakra Balancing

Energetic healing to clear and balance the chakras. Great for releasing heavy, dense energies. Regular chakra work can help protect the body from effects like mobile phones /toxic energies.

30 min £ 35
60 min £ 55

Brighde Healing

Elemental Goddess Healing with Brighde combining healing touch, sound and body work.

60 min £ 55

Starlight Energy Healing

Starlight Energy Healing is a unique transmission of a higher dimensional star. It is both gentle and transformative. In its light, entrenched mental habits, hurts, loops and limits dissolve. The receiver embodies more fully and more purely as her true self. Ease and inspiration follow.

30 min £ 35
60 min £ 60

Multi-dimensional Soul Healing and Guidance (Intuitive Healing)

Multidimensional Healing is whereby you receive deep healing and integration for mind, body heart and soul through profound soul connection and wisdom across time and space. You receive healing, messages and guidance about any area of this life or relevant past lives from the Divine, Goddess, Archangels, your soul and your own team of guides, angels and departed loved ones.

60 min £ 68
90 min £ 97

Private Transmission with the Lady of Avalon

Receive healing, guidance and a transmission of energetic codes from The Lady of Avalon as embodied and channelled by Priestess Rachel.

90 min £ 120

Sound Healing for Two with Tibetan Singing Bowls

Share the unique healing of these beautiful, hand-made bowls played directly on and around the body. The seven metals in each bowl correspond to, and resonate with, our Chakras and organs, and their vibrations penetrate to a cellular level to power through blockages, pain and stress, and bring deep relaxation and balance.

60 min £130
90 min £150